Don't see the appointment you want? Need to reschedule?


We often have additional availability and even same-day appointments available only by giving the office a call at:

202-803-2068 (or emailing

Current patient? Click HERE to manage your appointments via our online portal

Before scheduling, please note: We are out of network providers with insurance and payment is due at the time of service.

We are not Medicare providers. If you have Medicare for your primary or secondary insurance, you will not be eligible for any type of reimbursement.

If you need to cancel or reschedule your follow-up appointment, we require one full business day's notice. For initial evaluations, we require two full business days' notice to avoid a $50 cancellation fee. Thank you!

Currently, online scheduling for initial evaluations is available only for patients 18 and older. If you are looking to schedule your first visit for a patient under 18 years old, please contact our office and we will be happy to assist you.

If you are looking for an appointment for a breastfeeding issue, please contact us at 202-803-2068 or so we can schedule you as soon as possible.